Steyn Huizinga

AWS Premier Consulting Partner - Cloudar | Former AWS APN Ambassador

Best practices for optimizing cost and performance of your Microsoft workloads on AWS

2021-11-05 1 min read AWS

Why is it important to optimize costs? TCO has two main components: infrastructure cost and software licenses cost. The usual optimization scenario is when a customer wants to find compute, storage and licensing configuration that reaches the desired performance level at minimum cost. When you run SQL Server workloads, licensing makes up the majority of the TCO, so this is where you want to optimize. In this session we are going to cover basics of Microsoft licensing on AWS and best practices for compute and licensing optimization of SQL Server workloads on AWS. And finally we will discuss how AWS Optimization and Licensing Assessment (AWS OLA) can help you to see potential cost savings when migrating your Windows Workloads to AWS.

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