Steyn Huizinga

CTO AWS | AWS APN Ambassador | AWS Premier Consulting Partner | Xebia

Configure OpenID Connect for GitLab and AWS

2022-03-15 7 min read AWS

We do encounter a mix of DevOps tools being used in cloud project. For reasons we do prefer to work with AWS native tools and services. One of the reasons (but certainly not limited to that) for that opinion is that native tools provide seamless integration with the fundamentals of AWS itself. Think of tight integration with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) or AWS CloudTrail. In AWS it’s common to assign roles to resources. For exampl,e steps in CodeBuild (‘build runners’ in CodePipeline) have an IAM role with least-privileged policies assigned to grant access to the platform. Roles are using short-lived credentials and are provided natively by the platform. The time to live varies per service, but mostly anything between 15 minutes and 6 hours. Way shorter than static credentials, which are most likely to be rotated every 90 days in theory. The reality is that rotating static credentials manually is a big hassle and (almost) nobody does it.

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